Saturday, July 21, 2007

Attack of The Tomato Wilt

So this is the first year that I have evr gardened...ever. It has been a challenging one at that. It started out great with lots of new dense growth. I was amazed with what we were able to get out of a small garden. We've harvested pounds upon pounds of lettuce, an obscene amount of zucchini and so much tomatoes that I don't know what to do with.

I should have guessed that the good times wouldn't last forever. First went the lettuce...nobody told me that I had to share my lettuce with the gophers, then came the powdery mildew that finally took all of the zucchinis and now even the tomatoes are under attack. It all started with yellowing leaves that started at the base of the plant. It eventually would work its way up the plant and dies. So sad...

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